The MAC Sharon & Kelly Osbourne Collection for summer 2014: Kelly’s Eyes and Cheeks

wearing makeup from the MAC Sharon & Kelly Osbourne Collection Kelly sub-collection on my eyes, cheeks and lips
Things I know about Kelly Osbourne…

I saw her guest host a fashion show once (I think it was with Joan Rivers), and she seemed very sassy, like a regular sassy-pants girl.

She appears to be funny and good at banter.

I know that the purple hair she’s rocking these days is completely working for her in a cool, Dorothy Zbornak kind of way, and it makes me want purple hair…but I figure that I’m just going to wait for my hair to turn gray first, and then I’ll take it from there.

I’ve read that she has a penchant for, um, colorful language.

I know that she’s Ozzy Osbourne’s daughter, and that makes me wonder what Halloweens at their house were like, and what she’s getting him for Father’s Day (maybe one of the her MAC Kelly Osbourne eyeliners, perhaps?).

I know that she has a credibility for being edgy and fashionable, and I can see that edge in her products from the MAC Sharon & Kelly Osbourne collection.

The MAC Sharon & Kelly Osbourne Kelly sub-collection products (not including the two brushes)
Strutting down the runway first are the eyeshadows, eyeliners, and cheek and face products from the Kelly sub-collection of the mother-daughter MAC Sharon & Kelly Osbourne collection for summer 2014 (stay tuned for the four lipsticks and single lip liner in a few).


Like ice is to fire, these are cool! — as in cooler-toned than the colors in momma Sharon’s part of the release.

I get the sense that Kelly is a long-time MAC fan, because some of the re-promoted pieces, and there are a few, are products I love, too, like Smolder, Soba and Brun. The two eyeliners, and the eyeshadows in the duo, as well as one of the shadows in the quad, are re-promotes.

See the purple packaging? It’s like Kelly’s hair, and her signature graces each of the pieces.


고양이 & 메이크업 스웨트 셔츠 ??

$ 42.

지금 쇼핑하십시오

Nice handwriting, by the way. I like how she writes her ‘K.’

The MAC Kelly Osbourne Bloody fantastic Quad and morning Mister Magpie Eye shadow Duo

Good morning Mister Magpie! I see that your duo has two re-promoted shadows (Soba and Brun).

Except that these versions look a little odd to me…

Not in a bad way. just different.

I mean, I know both of these bad young boys like the back of my hand (Get it? bad swatch pun…) because I wear them a ton. Soba is one of my everyday neutral browns, and I use Brun to fill in my brows every single day.

But the Soba here seems much more golden to me than the Soba I know, like it’s Soba’s second cousin or something. Brun looks a little different, too, but only in its pan, where I promise it looks gray.

Weirdly, it swatches the same.

The Bloody fantastic Quad also has a re-promoted product of its own — Shadowy lady (a matte blackened plum).

Based on Kelly’s eyes in the promotion pic, I was hoping for a bloody fantastic purple in the quad, or maybe a bloody fantastic coral, because her eyes look bad-@ss! It looks like there’s a warm coral in the crease and a bright, intense purple along her lower lash line, and when I saw that pic, I thought, “Yes! I want to go to there.”

But after playing with the quad this week, I don’t know… I just wanted much more intensity. maybe it’s because of our different skin tones, but I feel like the quad’s colors don’t look as good on me as they do on Kelly in the promotion pic.

Also, there’s the way the shadows feel. compared to the shadows in Sharon’s quad, these feel slightly harder to me and are consequently a little tougher to blend. Not sure why.

Bloody fantastic Quad, with Tickety Boo (a soft muted plummy brown with a Satin finish), Fizzy rose (a pale lilac with a Satin finish), Spoonful of Sugar (a sparkling platinum with a Veluxe Pearl finish) and Shadowy lady (a blackened plum with a matte finish), $44
Moorn Mister Magpie, 소바 (새틴 마감가있는 부드러운 Taupe)와 브룬 (새틴 마감이있는 어두운 갈색), $ 22
Bloody fantastic Quad
Morning Mister Magpie
Bloody fantastic Quad on my lids and morning Mister Magpie along my lower lash lines

The MAC Kelly Osbourne Powder blush in Cheeky Bugger and Mineralize Skinfinish Duo in Jolly Good

Among Kelly’s cheek and face products, the Mineralize Skinfinish Duo in Jolly good seems the most special. The tan powder in the duo is too light for me to use a bronzer or contouring powder, so I use it as a highlighter. It has this really beautiful pinkish beige (a lot like hourglass dim Light)

I think if you’re a lighter lass, however, you’ll be able to rock it in much more ways — as a bronzer, contouring powder, you name it.

Kelly’s blush, Cheeky Bugger, doesn’t really set my world on fire, but it sure lasts a long time. easily all day long.

Osbourne Powder blush in Cheeky Bugger, a peach brown with a Satin finish, $22
Mineralize Skin졸리 좋은, 가벼운 시원한 베이지와 부드러운 창백한 분홍색, $ 33
건방진 구멍에서 분말 홍당무
졸리 좋은 듀오를 피부 피마비로 만들었습니다
내 사과에 건방진 벅스의 분말 홍당무와 미네랄 화하는 미네랄 화 듀오 듀오 듀오 듀오 듀오 듀얼
맥 켈리 오스본 아이코 kohl in smolder와 Jumbo의 두 번째 (라이너) rapidblack

좋은 OL ‘MAC Smolder. 이 시도와 진정한 기본적인 검은 색으로 잘못 가기가 어렵습니다. 나는 모든 다른 검은 라이너가 내 물을 잃어 버리게 할 때 지난 겨울 시즌을 통해 모든 것을 입었습니다.

그러나 정말로, 그들은 그것을 다시 홍보해야합니까? 옛날에 영구 줄에서 얻을 수 있습니다.

Jumbo rapidblack에서의 두 번째는 이전의 한정판 릴리스에서 튀어 나와 항상 내 엉덩이에 통증이있었습니다.

어쩌면 나는 단지 작은 이상한 손가락을 가지고 있지만 어떤 이유로 나는 정확하게 잡을 수 없다. 나는 그것이 사용하기가 어렵다고 생각합니다. 느낌의 제안에는 많은주는 것이 없으며, 나는 그것으로 직선을 그릴 수 없습니다. 내가 제일 좋아하는 것이 아니야.

눈 kohl in smolder, 강렬한 검은 색, $ 17.50
Jumbo rapidblack, 진정한 검은 색, $ 22의 마지막 라이너
Smolder (왼쪽)와 Jumbo의 눈 덮개 (오른쪽)의 Jumbo 두번째 라이너에있는 Kohl
점보는 내 물의 래시 라인의 rapidblack의 라이너를 두 번의 래시 라인과 눈 kohl에서 내 수선에 밀어 넣는 것입니다.
Mac Sharon & Kelly Osbourne Kelly 하위 컬렉션이 포함되어 있습니다 …

스트립 포커의 무광택 립스틱, 가벼운 누드, $ 17.50

폭동 집에있는 무광택 립스틱, 가벼운 오렌지, $ 17.50

Kelly Yum Yum, 밝은 파란색 분홍색, $ 17.50의 새틴 립스틱

dodgy 소녀, 가벼운 라벤더, $ 17.50의 무광택 립스틱

립 연필 동시, 밝은 노란색 분홍색, $ 16.50

Jumbo rapidblack, 진정한 검은 색, $ 22의 마지막 라이너

눈 kohl in smolder, 강렬한 검은 색, $ 17.50

티발 부드러운 환상적인 쿼드 (새틴 마무리가있는 부드러운 음소거리 갈색), 쉿쉿 장미 (새틴 마무리가있는 애플 라일락), 설탕 숟가락 (veluxe 펄 마무리가있는 반짝이 백금)과 그림자가있는 레이디 (검은 색 매실 무광택 마감으로), $ 44.

Moorn Mister Magpie, 소바 (새틴 마감가있는 부드러운 Taupe)와 브룬 (새틴 마감이있는 어두운 갈색), $ 22

건방진 구멍에서 분말 홍당무, 새틴 마감이있는 복숭아 갈색, $ 22

졸리 좋은, 가벼운 시원한 베이지와 부드러운 창백한 핑크, $ 33의 미네랄 화

219SE, 연필 브러시, $ 27.50의 브러시

167SE, 평평한 버퍼 브러시, $ 58의 브러시

피 묻은 훌륭한!
6 월 2 일, 2014 년 6 월 12 일, 2014 년 8 월 Select Mac 위치에서 2014 년 6 월 12 일 북미 MAC 위치를 Maccosmetics.com에서 사용할 수 있습니다.


kelly 립 제품 atchu에 오는 kelly 립 제품.

친절한 이웃 매력 중독자,

여자 이름

봐, 엄마! 훨씬 더 많은 Mac Sharon & Kelly Osbourne Collection Coverage …

음식을위한 음식 : 새로운 Mac Sharon과 Kelly Osbourne Collection과 함께 7 개의 립 콤보
2014 년 여름을위한 Mac Sharon & Kelly Osbourne 컬렉션 : Kelly의 입술
2014 년 여름을위한 Mac Sharon & Kelly Osbourne 컬렉션 : Kelly의 눈과 뺨
2014 년 여름을위한 Mac Sharon & Kelly Osbourne 컬렉션 : 샤론의 입술
2014 년 여름을위한 Mac Sharon & Kelly Osbourne 컬렉션 : 샤론의 눈 & 뺨

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